Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm


Nature’s Calling

My heart warmed to nature’s calling yesterday, as I went about my morning chores. The familiar honking of Canadian geese, carried on the wind from somewhere unseen up in the sky. A rush of gratitude flooded through me for the returning Spring. The farmhouse is wonderfully warm and cozy during …

FAQs About Runamuk’s CSA

There are a number of frequently asked questions about Runamuk’s CSA program, which this farmer is always fielding. With our membership drive currently underway, I’ve assembled them here for your review. Deadline for enrollment in our 2023 CSA is March 31. Members wanted. Frequently Asked Questions What is a CSA? …

First Snow

Heaving a sigh of relief, this farmer stood outside watching snowflakes as they cascaded from the heavens above. Winter preparations began in August, with an eye toward this inevitable day. Now it is here, I welcome our first Snow Day with open arms, and an open heart. I am ready …

Love Notes

I often find love notes in the cash box here at Runamuk Acres, and it never fails to make my day. It’s inspiring, and motiviating for this farmer, and I am grateful for it. Farming is not easy work, nor is it an easy lifestyle, but I sure love it …

May is a Blur

These last 6 weeks are a blur. May is always crazy-busy for farmers and homesteaders across the northern hemisphere. How can it be June already? Here at Runamuk Acres, yours truly has struggled to find a balance between the farm-kitchen and the outside work, overwhelmed with all of the task …


For 3 days only, Runamuk is offering a flashsale on CSA shares! If you were bummed that we didn’t hold our annual membership drive earlier this year, here’s your chance to sign up and get local food delivered direct to your door. 3 Days Only! Today, tomorrow, and Friday (5.25.22 …

Hard Lessons

Your friendly neighborhood farmer has learned some hard lessons in animal husbandry over the past three weeks. Since I last posted, all of my ewes have delivered with varying degrees of success. Of the fifteen lambs born to Runamuk this season, two lambs perished, and I have two in the …

Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm