Bring your leaves to Runamuk!

Bring your leaves to Runamuk!


Mulching is a key aspect of our organic gardening practices here at Runamuk.

Mulch helps to keep the weeds at bay, maintain moisture within the soil, which reduces the need to water, and can contribute valuable organic matter and nutrients, too.

Inspired by Maine farming legend Tom Roberts over at Snakeroot Farm in Pittsfield, Keith and I have decided to offer a drop-off site for locals to bring their leaves, pine-needles, and grass clippings.  Roberts saves the community of Pittsfield more than $3000 annually, while at the same time increasing the viability of his own organic farm.

Runamuk can do the same–and since we serve the sister towns of Madison and Anson, we can save our communities twice as much money, right? We’re located not quite five miles out of town, and that’s less than half the distance our towns are hauling yard wastes to the dump.

leaves & compostThe only stipulation we impose is that the leaves, needles and grass clippings not be treated with any sort of chemical pesticides or fertilizers. Our mulch needs to be kept au-naturale!

If you live in the towns of Anson or Madison, or close by, instead of taking those leaves to the dump–bring them over to Runamuk Acres and let us put them to good use for you! You’ll not only be reducing waste at the local waste management facility, but also supporting a local farmer.

Share your thoughts, comments or questions!

Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm