Category: <span>Articles</span>

Category: Articles

What Exactly is Citizen Science?

I’ve mentioned it a couple of times in some of my posts, participating in a citizen science program at-home.  I also wrote about central Maine’s lack-of citizen science and environmental activism programs.  I even started a new blog recently, called Green in Central Maine–hoping to create more opportunity for citizen …

Science for Preschoolers

Establishing an atmosphere of science-inquiry even when your children are small, will set the foundation for a scientific lifestyle that encourages your family to explore their curiosities and learn more about the science of the world around them. Most young children are naturally curious and inclined to exploration.  The traditional …

Science at-Home; Not Just for Homeschoolers

Everyone agrees that parents play a critical role in their children’s education: research shows that when parents are actively involved in their child’s life he will achieve greater success as a learner.  It is also generally agreed upon that a scientifically and technologically literate society is crucial to America’s future …

How to Teach Science Every Day

Why is it that science intimidates us?  I’ve heard it more than once–I even used to feel that way!  That science was just too hard to teach, since I really didn’t understand it myself.  Science is so all-encompassing, and so critically important–as homeschoolers it’s daunting to think about teaching our …

Learning to Say “Yes”

Now that we’re practicing unschooling, I’ve been consciously making an effort to say yes more often. We’ve done no formal sit-at-the-table school work this week. Basically it feels as though we’re on vacation, enjoying the New England autumn–and working through our screen-obsession. As we adjust to the unschooling lifestyle, I’m …

Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm