Category: <span>Sustainable Living</span>

Category: Sustainable Living

Wildlife in the backyard

A large part of our plan for the Runamuk farm revolve around wildlife.  In our home we love to watch the wildlife in our backyard: birds, bats, squirrels, butterflies and other insects–and so we garden with animals in mind.  After we’ve moved into our new home, I’m looking forward to …

Micro Eco-Farming

Okay, so I wasn’t completely honest.  I want my own homestead, sure.  But I desperately want to break into what is quickly becoming a fast-growing industry.  Micro eco-farming.  Micro eco-farming is living and growing sustainably on local tracts of land–usually less than 5 acres.I just read Barbara Berst Adam’s book, …

Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm