Category: <span>Updates From the Farm</span>

Category: Updates From the Farm

Somerset’s 2014 Bee-School

It’s that time of year again–no, I’m not talking about the holidays–it’s time to start thinking about Bee-School!  This year is the 3rd annual Bee-School offered by the Somerset Beekeepers, hosted by the University of Maine’s Somerset County Cooperative Extension. I’m excited to be able to teach this course yet …

Try, try again

The call came on Friday morning, the representative from Skowhegan Savings called to say that our loan request had been rejected.  Apparently the underwriter felt that we just don’t have enough wiggle room if something were to go wrong during the construction process.  It wasn’t a terrible shock, Keith and …

Splits & nuc-making workshop postponed

After much deliberation and a trip to the Medicine Hill apiary, I’ve decided to push the date of our Splits & Nuc-Making Workshop off until the 26th of May–next Sunday.  The time will remain the same. The weather forecast is calling for cooler temperatures tomorrow, not ideal for extensively pulling …

Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm