You’ve probably heard by now about the trouble bees and pollinators are facing. Perhaps you want to help, but don’t really want to keep a hive of stinging insects–beekeeping is not for everyone. But there are ways the average person can help the native bees in their own backyard, and I’m here to help you get started.
Why are bees in trouble?
Like many other wild critters on our planet, native bees and other pollinators are suffering from habitat encroachment. As humanity’s population continues to grow and spread, the natural landscapes where wild animals live are invariably reduced. Climate change, disease and pests, and agricultural practices all play a part in the reduction of our pollinator populations.
What are the benefits of promoting bee habitat?
75% of the plants on Earth require animals to aid them in reproduction, it stands to reason that if you offer habitat for the animals that do the pollinating, you will promote a greater abundance of flora and fauna in your area. By providing pollinator habitat you can effectively increase the diversity of wildlife in your community, from the smallest frogs to the largest birds; you will see an increase in the yields of your local gardens. And you will be combating climate change by encouraging the growth of air filtering plants.
Our eBook
In Runamuk’s ebook we go over the ailments plaguing native bees in depth, and offer 10 ways that you can help pollinators right in your own backyard. We talk about establishing new habitat, using native perennials, offering food for bees throughout the entire season, the importance of avoiding pesticides, and how to mow your lawn while still protecting bees. The book is 20 easy-to-read pages filled with key tips to help you get started today, and is jam-packed with vibrant photos designed to inspire you.
When you subscribe to our site you will receive the link to the eBook FREE as a welcome gift. Click the subscription widget in the sidebar to the left, enter your email address and receive the link to your download. You can unsubscribe from our site at any time, but we hope you will continue to follow along with our journey as beginning farmers and beekeepers, continue to support pollinator conservation, and watch as we grow the Runamuk apiary into a thriving agricultural business here in central Maine.