Earn bonus bucks with Runamuk’s early bird sale on CSA farm-shares!
It’s been 10 years since my first CSA program, back when Runamuk was brand new and I was farming on a one-acre corner lot in-town Anson. I did the more common style of CSA then─where members received a weekly share of whatever was in season at the time. Members share in the risks associated with farming─meaning, if the season did not go well or a crop did not perform, members might not get much in their boxes and could lose money alongside the farmer.
That didn’t sit well with me, because I always want to give my customers their money’s worth. This time around, the Runamuk CSA will work as a pre-paid account that comes with special perks for members. Customers can purchase whatever they like from whatever it is this farm has available. That takes the risk out of the investment for the customer, and the stress out of the program for the farmer─for this farmer, anyway.
Runamuk’s CSA Farm-Shares
Community Supported Agriculture is a relationship between community members and their local farm. Members commit to a whole season, allowing the farmer to offset early season costs such as seeds, amendments, etc. In exchange, members receive an abundance and variety of nutritious vegetables and farm-products over the course of the growing season, along with certain member-perks.
Patrons of Runamuk Acres can earn a 20% bonus by signing up for a CSA farm-share in the months of January and February. Farm Shares serve as a pre-paid account that you can draw on throughout the season. This is a flexible and convenient option which allows customers to shop for what they need, when they need it.
For example, pre-paying $100 will give you a $120 credit with the farm, or pre-pay $300 to gain a $360 credit with Runamuk. This credit can be spent on any of our products, at any of our retail venues, and has no expiration date.
Members are highly valued customers who receive special perks like: dibbs on produce and eggs, the opportunity to make special requests, special invite to an exclusive end-of-season harvest celebration at Runamuk, and a close connection to the farmer producing their food.
Go to our CSA Farm Shares page to become a member today and receive your bonus 20% credit with Runamuk Acres!
Supporting Local Ag
By taking advantage of Runamuk’s Early-Bird Sale you’re helping this farm to make early-season investments in seeds and supplies for the upcoming season. You can play a direct role in supporting local agriculture at a time of year when farm income is low, while the need for investments is high. Currently, Runamuk is saving to buy seed potatoes, tomato and squash seeds, soil amendments, and asparagus plants.
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