We finally completed the paper chase for the USDA. Like any home-loan process a number of financial documents and credit verifications are required, but when dealing with a government program there is twice as much red tape. It was a bit of a hassle to gather the necessary documents and get them to the specialist at the Rural Development office, but it will all be worth it if we are approved.
That was Monday.
Unfortunately the rural development specialist was in meetings all day Tuesday, and on the road on Wednesday. Thursday apparently was her day off, and Friday, due to the Veteran’s Day holiday, the USDA office is shut down.
So here I am, holding my breath until Monday rolls around again, and a decisionregarding our home-loan application can be made.
What an incredibly anxiety-ridden time this is for us! Keith and I have both voiced concerns over what we will do if we are turned down by the USDA. It will be heart-breaking to say the least. Will we go back to First-Time Home-Buyers, where we qualified for significantly less than available to us through the USDA? Should we apply to the Beginning Farmers program? Either way it would mean starting the application process all over again.
Or will we stay on here, in Keith’s parent’s rental house–? Will I get a work-a-day job in order to increase our credit-standing? And if I do that how will I manage to continue to homeschool my boys, garden and produce food for my family, beekeep, write, and expand on those ventures?
I have no answers at this point.
All I can do is to keep myself busy this long weekend, and hope for the best. Things may turn out alright in the end.