I’m taking a moment today to introduce Runamuk’s new affiliation with Rootsy. I’m really excited about this because the Rootsy network is made up of some of my very favorite sustainable-lifestyle bloggers and gathers into one place some of the best and most reliable information about homesteading, gardening, livestock, cooking, preparedness, herbalism and simple living that you’ll find on the internet.
Rootsy is a mash-up of new technology and vintage skills; members gain access to a whole library of information, as well as tutorials, online workshops, ecourses and more─all available at rootsy.org. Beginning April 1st they will be accepting members to the Rootsy Network; each month members will have access to expert instruction and inspiring reading that will help you on your journey to a more self-reliant and sustainable life.
Check it out!
Coming up in April the instructors at Rootsy will be talking about Up-Cycling: turning old stuff into new. In May they’re going to be discussing Preparedness, and in June it’s all about taking charge of your family’s health with herbal remedies. This is a fantastic community to be involved with, everyone is super kind, helpful, and supportive. You’ll find a lot of how-to articles, diy blog-posts, and in addition to the ecourses and webinars I already mentioned are the member-only forums where you can reach out to other homesteaders for advise and assistance.
Many of the Rootsy instructors are also members of the Homestead Bloggers Network, of which Runamuk is also associated with. Colleen Codekas is th author of “Grow Forage Cook Ferment“, Meredith Fox─the author of “ImaginAcres“─love that blog name! And Jessica Lane who is the author of the 104Homestead, which is located right here in Maine! Kathie Lapcevic─the author of HomespunSeasonalLiving and Connie Meyer of UrbanOveralls. My friend Teri Page from HomesteadHoney, as well as Angi Schneider at SchneiderPeeps and Shelli Wells over at PreparednessMama.
If you’re not following homestead blogs you’re probably not familiar with those names, but I do follow homestead blogs and podcasts, blogs about sustainable living, podcasts about farming. They give me inspiration, hope that I might be able to do it too, and help me solve problems to the every day issues that pop up on a farm and homestead. These bloggers are out there living the life I want and if I can learn something from them that helps me on my own journey then I want to read about their experiences. As a fellow blogger I’m really excited to be able to work with the ladies even in the reduced capacity as an affiliate member.
For every person who clicks on my affiliated links and then subscribes as a member with Rootsy, Runamuk receives a commission. Afterall, every part of my farm needs to generate an income. We have no free-loaders on a farm. But I enjoy writing─more than enjoy─it’s something I need to do─like breathing. It’s part of who I am and if I don’t get the words out of my head then I get blocked up─constipated lol. Ideally I’d like to earn more from my writing and have my writing take the place of my off-farm income. I’d like to write a book too─several books actually. What you’ve seen on the Runamuk blog with our Johnny’s sponsorship, the ads by Ball, eBay, and Google ads, is my attempt to make the Runamuk blog work for me. So that I can continue to do the work that I love and still pay my bills.
So check out Rootsy and see if they might be able to aid you on your own journey to a more self-reliant and sustainable life. And stop back soon to see what’s new at Runamuk: the growing season is almost upon us!
Thanks so much for sharing the Rootsy love, Sam!!