Laying hens for sale

Laying hens for sale

As we gear up to move Runamuk from Starks to Norridgewock I’m preparing to construct a temporary hoop-coop for the laying flock, since there isn’t a readily available coop or barn at Paul’s place. I’ll document the whole project for you in an upcoming article, but for now just know that I’ve made my design, and I’m gathering the materials for the project.

One of my concerns with the hoop-coop was ensuring the warmth and security of the birds during the long cold months ahead, so I’ve decided to invest in a section of greenhouse film from Johnny’s to cover the structure. This kind of plastic is pretty expensive, but the light transmission and the warmth generated is worth the investment to me (plus I’ve seen what happens in the winter when you use the contractor’s plastic available at the local hardware store─NOT fun!). Thankfully Johnny’s is currently running their fall sale on season extension supplies, but even so, to make the purchase of this plastic I need to sell a few of my up-and-coming layers.

laying hens for saleThese birds are Isa Brown egg-layers that we got at Tractor Supply earlier in the spring. They are 18 weeks or so old now, and are just beginning to lay nice large brown eggs. They have not been fed organic or even GMO-free feed, but I can promise they are healthy and happy hens. I’m hoping to get $150 for them, but I’ll accept the best offer that comes my way.

My only stipulation is that I would prefer they all go together; I’m right out straight as we continue to prepare to move the farm and I just don’t have the time to wrangle multiple groups of birds for folks. If you, or someone you know might be interested in some laying hens feel free to contact me by phone or email. And remember, sharing is caring!

Stay tuned folks!

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Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm