Market garden in progress

Market garden in progress

My farmers’ tan is a testament to the amount of time I’ve been spending in the market garden lately, working long hours in the sun and in drizzling rain to get crops in the ground.  It’s an on-going process, and there’s also successive sowings to think about–and the fall crops to keep in mind.

So far I’ve managed to get onions in, 3 types of peas, leaf lettuce mix, spinach, 2 types of carrots, 2 varieties of beets, rutabaga, 5 varieties of potatoes, 2 different kinds of snap beans, 12 varieties of tomatoes and 2 of peppers, and some heading lettuce.  And so far things are growing well.

Onions 2014
We have Ailsa Craig for fresh-eating, and Patterson onions for storing.
peas 2014
I’m growing Sugar Ann and Sugar Snap peas–they have the edible pods which are fabulous for snacking or sauteing (so good!), and Little Marvel for shelling peas.

The next two days are dedicated to planting cucumbers with sunflowers, pole beans, and radishes.  Then on to the squashes, followed by broccoli, cabbages, and collards.  And don’t forget all of the allies and friends–the herbs and flowers that either protect the crops, or attract beneficial insects to combat pest problems.

We’re hard at work here at Runamuk–so stay tuned for more updates!

Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm