Spring has come to our neck of Maine, and with has come the annual fidgets. The children are sick of doing regular lessons, and we are all ready to spend some time outside. As homeschoolers its okay for us to ease up off the daily grind, and focus our attention on other things for a time, and so we’re taking science outside, where the natural world may influence us. Our family has a variety of outdoor interests that can lend themselves to scientific study: gardening, herpetology, and beekeeping–are the main focuses this spring.
As an avid organic gardener, the introduction of a bee colony to my backyard only made practical sense. As a scientific homeschooler incorporating the bees into a science unit-study seemed logical as well. So I did both.
I’ve been hard at work on my most recent Kids Investigate lens at Squidoo. I’ve searched the web for a month and a half looking for the best resources for beginning beekeepers and for kids, and compiled them in one place.
Check it out here:
Kids Investigate Bees; A Beekeeping Unit Study for Homeschoolers
Included in the lens are plenty of links to reference materials, resources for beginning beekeepers, crafts, printables, and activities related to bees for the kids, videos, links to articles, and more.
(Blog-post from TSH beta-site-originally posted May 16, 2010)