Splits & nuc-making workshop at the Runamuk Apiary

Splits & nuc-making workshop at the Runamuk Apiary

I am excited to announce that Runamuk will be hosting it’s first-ever workshop!

kennebec open-hive

Sunday, May 19th

11am – 3pm

Splits & Nuc-Making Workshop

This Sunday I will be leading local beekeepers to the Runamuk apiary at Medicine Hill for a workshop on how to make splits and nucleus colonies (otherwise known as “Nucs”).  My only regret is that the workshop cannot be held at the Runamuk farm, but there’s always next year.

The workshop is free and open to the public.  It is designed to teach beekeepers more about how to manage their colonies for swarm-prevention, and also how to make apiary increases through splits and nuc-making.

At the Somerset Beekeepers, we like to leave our meetings open to the public so that anyone who is curious about beekeeping has the opportunity to watch and learn.  That’s what we’re all about–education.  Education of area beekeepers, and education of the public about the benefits of bees and other pollinators.

We will be meeting at my home in Anson, and from there I will lead the way to Medicine Hill.  If you’re at all interested in participating feel free to shoot me off an email (runamuk acres at gmail dot com –all one word) to pre-register.

Share your thoughts, comments or questions!

Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm