After much deliberation and a trip to the Medicine Hill apiary, I’ve decided to push the date of our Splits & Nuc-Making Workshop off until the 26th of May–next Sunday. The time will remain the same.
The weather forecast is calling for cooler temperatures tomorrow, not ideal for extensively pulling apart hives to make the nucleus colonies. Also, a quick check in the hives earlier this week showed the very beginnings of swarm cells, which indicates that the swarming season is still 2-3 weeks out. While we want to place the swarm cells with their new hives before the virgin Queen emerge, we want to allow the parent hives to care for the Queen-larvae as long as possible to ensure their health and safety, but not so long that the hive swarms. Timing is critical.
We’re still accepting registrations for the workshop, which is free and open to the public, so feel free to email me to sign up today!
Now I’m left to hope that the weather next week cooperates with our workshop….