Tag: <span>Sprouts</span>

Tag: Sprouts

Bringing Back the Winter Growing Challenge!

December is practically on our doorstep and with it comes the start of the 2018 Winter Growing Challenge! Woot woot! I’m looking forward to growing fresh greens inside my home again this winter: shoots and sprouts─maybe I’ll even try my hand at some microgreens this year. With 2 teenaged boys …

#WinterGrowingChallenge Update #3 with Salad Dressing Recipes!

Last Thursday evening I finally fed some of my home-grown shoots and sprouts to my boys! Score one for mom! Yay me! Woot woot! Hey─you gotta take those victories where you can get them. Parenting is hard enough without the added pressures of trying to provide your children with a …

Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm