Bringing back the Runamuk CSA

Bringing back the Runamuk CSA

green sprouting calabrese broccoli

I’m really excited to announce that this year, Runamuk will be reinstating it’s CSA!

Some of my followers might remember our CSA program from 2012–which I put on hold during 2013 in the face of our impending move.  I learned a lot about farming and business that year, and we will carry those lessons with us as we move forward and Runamuk continues to grow.

Changes to the program

We’ll be making some significant changes to the way we do our CSA this year.  One of the biggest challenges to our 2012 CSA was the delivery of shares.  I’d hoped that by offering delivery I would entice locals to subscribe–and that worked–we gained 11 subscribers for our micro-farm’s little CSA, we forged new relationships with locals and strengthened relationships with friends and family through the CSA.  But those deliveries were a huge drain on my time when I should have been tending to the crops I was growing for those shareholders.

With that knowledge, as we move forward, Runamuk will no longer offer delivery of CSA shares.  We’ve decided to utilize a different model for our CSA program–known as the “market CSA pick up”–or sometimes referred to as a “debit-style CSA”.

How it works

Basically, members establish a credit account with the farm and shop at our booth during farmers’ market; each week the shareholders’ account is debited the exact amount they spend.  You can spend as much or as little as you want each week, purchase only those things you and your family like to eat.  The remaining balance on your account rolls over to the following week.

There is no customer commitment to picking up produce every single week.  You decide when to purchase vegetables with your debit balance.  Shop as your schedule permits, skip weeks when you’re out of town.

brune d'hiverChoose the quantities and types of produce you want from anything that is available at the Runamuk booth.  If you want vegetables, buy vegetables; if you want a jar of honey, no need to bring cash, you’ve already pre-paid for it!  We’ll be offering seedlings this spring, eggs, a diverse array of vegetables, honey, beeswax products like our soaps and salves–these CSA accounts will be good for any product that Runamuk has to offer.  The only catch is–you have to come to market to get it.

Bonus rewards

We are offering to members who sign up by April 1st a 10% bonus on their investment, but the earlier you sign up the bigger your bonus reward will be.  Also, if you participate in one of our work-days this summer, or volunteer your time working on the farm, we’ll credit your account with an additional $25.

Support local farms

CSA programs like ours offer farmers a much needed influx of cash at a time of the year when they need it most; in return shareholders get to know their farmer better and get the freshest, highest quality foods.  There are lots of great things happening at Runamuk this year–for more details on our CSA program please check out the “CSA Information” page.

Share your thoughts, comments or questions!

Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm